Our Handymans help you with everything from hanging a hook to assembling an entire kitchen in your new apartment. Of course we are fully insured, experienced and have tools & all that is required to get the job done.
Become one of our satisfied customers! Book your Handyman in Stockholm and Gothenburg today!
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what does it cost?
Ugh, the boring part but oh so important of course! In short, we have different prices depending on which service you want help with.
For furniture assembly,wall mount we offer fixed prices. With the help of our "example prices" you get a good estimate of what you can expect in terms of price. Click on the services here in the text to see the "example prices" for each service.
The fixed sample price is incl. VAT, RUT-Deduction and applies within the customs, outside the customs a delivery charge may be added.
For our other services, we offer hourly billing. This is because there are many parameters that come into play, which makes it difficult to offer a guaranteed fixed price directly here on the web.
Price per hour: SEK 790/h incl. VAT and RUT deductions. The price includes 2 people, transport vehicle and everything in between. No hidden fees.
+20,000 pcs
10 years
+10,000 pcs
Customer satisfaction